Thursday, May 03, 2007

ECWZ Sponsorship Programme 2007 at a glance

In the pictures, first picture is of Bishnu, one of the ECWZ supported student, who scored highest marks in exam. Second picture is of Budiman, whose mother has got paralysis and has 5 sister and one brother (altogether 7). He needed immediate support so ECWZ provided him sponsorship to keep him at school. Third one is of the children performing dance from NHCC and fourth one is of me, Dharma, Principal and one teacher from neighbour school in the program.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Sponorship project 2007

Sponorship project 2007
Originally uploaded by Kishan Devkota.
ECWZ started second year of its 5 year Educational Sponsorship project called SOCIAL AWARENESS THROUGH EDUCATION. ECWZ provided full scholarship for 70 children for the academic year 2007-2008.
Thanks to our well wishers and supporters. I hope this kind of support will remain in future days too.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Thanks to Ganesh-Himal Team

This is the one roomed office made by Village Development Commettee but not in use currently. We are trying to establish a children's library and a cultural centre here. Children can read books of their interest and they can learn ancestral culture also. Room is not very big but children can take advantages from it. Antoine and Sophie from Genesh-Himal Team from Belgeum ( painted the wall of this building. Thanks to Antoine and Sophie.